Bump Update: 32 weeks pregnant x ASOS T-shirt dress

Bump Update: 32 weeks pregnant x ASOS T-shirt dress by fashion blogger Uptown With Elly Brown
Maternity outfit | ASOS maternity T-shirt dress | Maternity Fashion | Uptown with Elly Brown
Bump Update: 32 weeks pregnant x ASOS T-shirt dress by fashion blogger Uptown With Elly Brown

Hey there!

It’s almost the weekend baby! Yesterday felt like a Monday for me. And my days are all mixed up. I guess that’s what happens when you decide to come back from a vacation mid-week!

Like I mentioned we are back from our little family vacation, (don’t worry I will do a recap on that). And we had a blast; It was short but sweet.

Maternity outfit | ASOS maternity T-shirt dress | Maternity Fashion | Uptown with Elly Brown
Maternity outfit | ASOS maternity T-shirt dress | Maternity Fashion | Uptown with Elly Brown
Bump Update: 32 weeks pregnant x ASOS T-shirt dress by fashion blogger Uptown With Elly Brown

The boys didn’t want to go home and were on a high the ENTIRE time we were there. Like they didn’t want to take naps, and come 9 p.m. they were still so wired from the pool. Their excitement was on a whole different level. Make sure you stay tuned next week for our trip recap.

Maternity outfit | ASOS maternity T-shirt dress | Maternity Fashion | Uptown with Elly Brown

I owe an overdue bump update. I know many of you love following along with Liam (and I love that you do)! So let’s just jump right in,

Bump Update: 32 weeks pregnant x ASOS T-shirt dress by fashion blogger Uptown With Elly Brown

How far along?
32 weeks pregnant, well 32 weeks tomorrow. SO CLOSE, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

How are you feeling?
I’m okay. It depends on the day I guess. Some days I feel great, others I feel slow and sluggish. Last few days come 8 p.m. I start feeling queasy, and sick to my stomach. I think my body gets so tired it shuts down. Which of course is the only time I listen and go to sleep.

At 32 weeks pregnant, the leg cramps at night have gotten horrible too. I used to get them with Jadyn and Colin, and I thought I would be in the clear this time, but nope.

How much weight have you gained?
I am at 142. Phew. This is the most I have ever weighed. I started this pregnancy at 110-111lbs so I know I’m on the same weight track as the boys.

How big is Liam?
Big. I have the growth ultrasound in two weeks, so we will find out more then, but baby boy is pretty snug in my belly, and last we checked he measured a week and a half further along then I really am. We shall see…

How’s the nursery coming along?
ALMOST done! We are just missing the mattress and baby monitor. Once we get that, we will be all ready! Stay tuned for a nursery reveal coming soon.

Any cravings lately?
Ice. Ha, seriously though… I could eat Sonic ice all day long.

Any new maternity must haves?
Hmm, not really. Except I have been obsessed with Melissa shoes lately. I went overboard on them and bought like six new pairs because they are all so comfy!

Any other updates?
A few…

Jadyn and Colin are ready for Liam to be here. They play with their cars on my belly and keep asking if we are going to the doctor to take Liam out. I think because they see his room ready, they may finally get it, but who knows.

Jadyn also says that we are going to get Liam out with a knife and cut open my belly. I’m over here like umm, no my sweet boy that is not how we want to get him out.

Both boys go around telling everyone they see that we have three boys. And that baby Liam is their brother, and he is going to come out soon. It’s the cutest thing! I really need to get it on video.

We have the car seat installed, stroller ready, the nursery is just about ready. Now I have to pack and get the hospital bag ready. I don’t know why I am freaking out, but I was just thinking the other day about having to pack the hospital bag, and now I am slightly panicking.

Over all, I think I am just really ready to have Liam. I get so anxious in the last stretch that I start driving myself and everyone around me crazy.

This pregnancy has also been a lot harder on my body than the last two, so I’m just ready to have my body back.

Bump Update: 32 weeks pregnant x ASOS T-shirt dress by fashion blogger Uptown With Elly Brown

outfit details: T-shirt dress / shoes / ℅ earrings (similar) / bag / ℅ everly rings

Photos by Julia Gozman

Thank you so much for stopping by, Have a great day!


Maternity outfit | ASOS maternity T-shirt dress | Maternity Fashion | Uptown with Elly Brown

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Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

Such a cute outfit, love the neutral colours! You look so happy! 🙂

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog


You are looking so cute here! Great maternity combo, esp. for 32 weeks stage!



I’m pretty sure we’ve skipped winter this year. I’ve not wanted to jinx this seemingly non-existent winter by saying so but since we are just a few weeks short of March, I feel like it’s okay to admit that I have been 100% okay with skipping winter this year. My time is spring; it’s my favorite for prints, patterns, florals, colors, etc. I love going all in for spring florals. Dresses are usually the easiest to find in floral patterns so I try not to go too overboard. But floral pants, now those are diamonds in the rough. Two reasons why: 1) good prints are hard to find and 2) sizing and fit. Finding a pair of pants that wins in both of those categories is like winning the lottery. When I tried this pair on, I immediately wanted to go buy a scratch off — that’s how lucky I was feeling.

Uptown with Elly Brown


from Elly

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