Let’s dive right into the FAQ postpartum questions, I know so many of you have been waiting for this post for a long time! So let’s get to it …
Best Nursing Bras?
I don’t have a ton of nursing bras, what I have been using are bralettes. I got a ton from AE when they were on sale a while back, love this HM one.
Best nursing tops or dresses?
Ah. To be honest, I am not a fan of many nursing tops or dresses. Boob has some cute clothing, but other then that, I tend to look for tops that are flowy and easy to undo or lift up. But here’s my thing, I won’t sacrifice style. I would much instead look cute than worry about if it’s nursing friendly. Why? Because sometimes I just want to not feel like a milk machine.
What are your nursing essentials?
Hands-Free Pumping Bra
Nipple Cream
Bottle (to keep track of your water intake)
Nursing friendly Bras
Lactation cookies
Long phone cord charger
Silicon Breast Pump
Comfy Pj’s like my silk slip! (link below)
Best Pump?
Well, I have only tried one. I have the Medela Pump in Style Advance. BUT, if you don’t mind spending the money, this one looks good (if you buy it, report back please!)
Best postpartum undies?
I love my VS boy shorts. The band up top I feel like help keeps things secure. Also, they make me feel a little bit normal since they are cute and stylish.
If you had the option, would you deliver naturally again?
Next question, haha! Umm…. man my recovery this third time around was a breeze. But, I’m not sure if that’s because it was the third baby, or because it was done naturally.
How long does Lochia bleeding last, when does the heavy part of bleeding go away?
For me, bleeding this time around lasted longer than it did with Jadyn and Colin. It all depends on each woman really, the bleeding this time around lasted about four weeks off and on. I also never experienced really heavy bleeding (thank God), and I couldn’t tell you why that is. That would be a question for your doctor.
How do you feel about intimacy during breastfeeding?
At first, I don’t want anything to do with sex or Jordan to even touch me. I think it’s all about listening to your body and helping yourself heal first. Once I got past the first several weeks of breastfeeding things started to feel normal for me. I think once I started feeling like my usual self is when I was good to go. Haha!
Did you ever experience postpartum depression or anxiety, if so, how did you cope?
To be honest, I am not entirely sure. And I want to start off by saying that if you are experiencing PP anxiety or depression, please please seek help. This is not something to be taken lightly.
With Jadyn, I think it was a mixture of no sleep, hormones and not knowing what to do with a baby. The first 12 weeks were hard, very hard. I remember having family over once, and just sitting in the chair and not having any emotions or feelings at all.
As time passed, I tried to take care of myself as much as I could so I could get back to normal. I also leaned on my mom for help, and she saved the day for me so many times. #momsarethebest
What are some things you wish you would have known about postpartum before having kids?
All of it. Postpartum isn’t fun, or easy. I think the pressure we put on ourselves to “bounce back” is horrible as well (I’m guilty of this too). It all takes time, time to heal, time for you and baby to adjust. I think we put way too much pressure on ourselves.
What is your feeding schedule? Are you bottle feeding or BF?
Feeding every 3 hours. I follow the Baby Whisper book/ E.A.S.Y schedule. I won’t go into detail in this post, keep your eyes open for a separate post coming just for feeding/schedules.
Are you feeding on demand?
I was for about the first month. After that, we put Liam on a 3-hour eating schedule.
How do you BF while running errands? Do you bring bottles? Or BF feed in the car?
I do both. Depends on the day if I have all three kids or if Jordan is with us. I usually pump right before I leave the house and bring that milk in a bottle. It’s easy when you are on a schedule because you know what to expect (at least for the most part). I tend to always run my errands in between the feedings so I can be back home when it’s time to eat.
I personally do not like to BF in public, but not because of showing my boobs, but because of the germs. So if I have to breastfeed, I will do it in the car.
How are you dealing with hair loss?
Urgh. I was doing fine up until a few weeks ago. I would recommend keeping taking your prenatal! That will help a ton. I have also heard great things about Monat; I personally have not tried it. I’ve started drinking collagen to see if that helps, I will report back.
What do you recommend to help produce more milk?
Breastmilk is 95% water. So drink more water! But you can also try Fenugreek or lactation cookies. There are tea’s you can drink as well, but that hasn’t helped much for me.
Why do you wear a corset?
I have always worn one after delivery, I think it does a great job in bringing everything back together. I wore mine after all three boys and still wear it with Liam.
How are you storing your breast milk?
I tend to overproduce milk, so we bought a deep freezer that is in the garage. Check out this link for storage FAQS.
Brook There Silk Slip / Liam’s Onesie
One last thing about breastfeeding, If you are having any problems or concerns please, please contact your local La Leche League. They will be able to help you with any breastfeeding problems.
Also, what works for me, may not work for you. Above all, please give yourself time to heal, to adjust and to get into the swing of things. Your body is going through significant changes, and we need to give our bodies a bit more TLC. Be kind to your body, love your body.
Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope I answered all your postpartum questions. Have a great day!

How interesting to read! I’m not a mum but this would be a lot of help to one! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Hi Elly, thanks for this beautiful blog! I am gonna be a mom soon and was wondering which corset you used for post partum?