When did the world become such a dark and mean place? When was tearing each other apart something “cool” to do? The last few months I feel like God has been speaking to me about love and kindness. In today’s world you have so many people who hide behind computer screens, and just say hurtful and mean things.
I have seen it time and time again, you have so many mommy wars, and women who are tearing each other apart because you don’t look the way they would like you to, because you choose to give formula to your child, or you stepped outside the box. The list goes on and on…
Bullying is at an all-time high. You have internet websites like “Get Off My Internet” (which I refuse to give them my pageview and get on their website) who tear people apart. I mean who even has the time for this, and how do they sleep at night?
This year God has been speaking heavily on my heart to spread his love, to be kind and not only to those who I can get something in return. But to spread love, joy, and to be a light in this very dark world.
I want to encourage you to have “Be Kind” on your New Years resolution. To smile and to say hi to a stranger, to get off your phone at the check out line and to actually talk to the cashier.
When someone asks how you are doing look them in the eye, and ask them how they are doing. But don’t ask and not listen, or keep walking.
Let’s not partake in gossip, but rather embrace what makes each and every one different. To see someone the way God sees them, to love how God loves, and to withhold nothing back…
Because at the end of the day, Kindness is classy!
Affiliate Links: Top / skirt / shoes / backpack / jacket / sunglasses (all similar items)
Photography by Loren Ferguson
Thank you so much for stopping by, have a great day!

I wish I could like this post a million times. Instead I’ll just share the crap out of it. Thank you for posting such TRUTH. Both here and on your Facebook page. I love seeing lyrics of songs, or words of encouragement in your posts, it seriously brightens my day.
Thank you Bree! Just trying to be light in this very dark world! 😉 We need the joy of Chirst in this world!
This is dead on! What I love most is that you practice what you preach. You are kind and you are generous with your time and skills! I’m proud to know you! AND of course your outfit is so so cute!
Thank you so much Jessica! 🙂
Yep! Couldn’t have said it better myself! 🙂 we all need to be a little kinder, a little more present and tolerable of others’ differences/choices 🙂
yes! We do, if we all cared to be a little bit more present and tolerable, this world would be a better place!