How to Wear A Bold Leather Jacket

blue leather jacket

Happy Hump Day!

What a crazy week is has been. Over the weekend Colin got a fever, nasty cough, along with a runny nose.  Jadyn then ends up getting sick too! And… now a few days later I am right where Colin was Friday night. Gosh, and it happens every. single. time. I have no idea how to prevent me from getting sick when the boys get sick. I wish I had Jordan’s immune system.  I swear his immune system is like rock solid, in all the 8 years that we have been together I think he has gotten sick less than 5 times, which is why I call him our superman!

I got this leather jacket on MEGA sale right before Piperlime closed. I actually have only worn it a handful of times. The leather is such a good quality and the lining on the insides keeps you nice and warm! I also really like how it’s not the traditional black motto jacket. Having a bold color leather jacket is a great staple to have in your closet, even in the Winter! I don’t know about you but during the Fall/Winter I tend to get tired of black and grey really quick.

To really make the blue pop I chose to go with my netural sweater dress from ASOS. I kept my details girly (pointed heels, structured bag, and pink lip) and added the motto jacket for some edge.  I went with my tassel bib that matched my jacket oh so perfectly!

blue leather jacket
blue leather jacket
blue leather jacket
blue leather jacket
blue leather jacket

I know leather jackets can get pricey very quickly, but I would highly suggest making the investment. We weary of cheap “leather jackets”.  When you invest in a good quality, I promise that with proper care, it will last a lifetime! Don’t be afraid to buy them in different colors too! Next on my leather list is a pink blush jacket… or vest!
Affiliate Links: Piperlime Jacket (old, similar) | Asos Midi Dress | Shutz Shoes (similar and on sale!)| Harbor Tassel Bib | Zac Posen Unlined Top Handle Bag (similar and 50% off!)| Bobbi Brown Rich Lip Color: ‘Ibiza Pink

Photog by Ailee Petrovic

P.S. You may be seeing some changes on the blog in the next coming days, please be patient as a few things may be off! Carrie and myself will be improving a few things and I can’t wait for you to see the final look!

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Ashlie Langston

LOVE this look! That dress is super classy and I love the pop of color with the blue! You look gorgeous, mama!


Love this outfit and your hair!! And your purse! Basically all of it haha.

Uptown with Elly Brown


from Elly

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