Postpartum Must Haves

Postpartum Must Haves by Houston blogger Uptown with Elly Brown

Today I wanted to share a few postpartum must haves for the first time mom… or, maybe you’re someone who knows a mama who is expecting. Take this list and instead of just dropping by to meet the baby, be useful and help out.

Get your pen and paper out today ladies! Today I am sharing everything you need to have for your postpartum days. I also asked my lovely Facebook mamas to chime in and share what they think are postpartum must haves.

Postpartum Must Haves | maternity fashion | ASOS maternity | Uptown with Elly Brown

Happy Monday! It has been forever, and it feels good to be back and to type away on my computer here. What doesn’t feel good is life with three kids. MY gosh, the things to do never ends! Attending to three is no joke. But that’s a different blog post. Ha!

Postpartum, it’s a B*, And that’s me saying it nicely. Your lady parts are torn (ouch), hormones are raging; you’ve got leaky boobs, little to no sleep. And that’s only to name a few things! It’s all a nightmare. To top it off you have to take care of a human being. Like, say what???

Postpartum Must Haves by Houston blogger Uptown with Elly Brown

Let’s dive in… Here are my postpartum must haves:

-“Numbing Spray” …. for you know what.
-“Wine.” Ashlie from Southern Made Blog
-“Help. All the help.” Veronika from Veronika’s Blushing
-“A good devotional.”
-“Immediately following birth: frozen witch hazel pads”
-“Gift cards to restaurants with curbside takeaway.”
-“A good lactation consultant and preferably one that comes to your home.” Cammeo from Cammeo Head to Toe
-“A cleaning lady.” Lauren from Lauren McBride (many women agreed!)
-“Home made dinners from friends and family” Lynzy from Lynzy & Co.
-“Night or weekend with friends. It will bring you back to earth & celebrate your self-identity!”
-“A date with your husband.”
-“Treat your self to an hour of just mommy time for yourself! Prayer, Yoga, Mani, Hot Bath, Etc!! Once a day!!”
-“A couple of good nursing bra in different styles.”
-“A Belly Binder
Washable Nursing Pad Covers (saves $$$)
– Pretty robe to make you feel good. (can’t live without mine!)
– Nipple cream! I like using coconut oil.
– Postpartum leggings and tank.

Postpartum Must Haves | maternity fashion | ASOS maternity | Uptown with Elly Brown
Postpartum Must Haves by Houston blogger Uptown with Elly Brown
Postpartum Must Haves | maternity fashion | ASOS maternity | Uptown with Elly Brown

Out of all the postpartum must haves I have gotten from other mamas, there is one thing we can all agree on. Every new mom needs help. If you’re the expectant mama, accept help, and most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If you’re a friend, family, or neighbor of a new mom, offer help. Help with the dishes, the laundry, cleaning, whatever it is. Help.

Postpartum Must Haves | maternity fashion | ASOS maternity | Uptown with Elly Brown
Postpartum Must Haves | maternity fashion | ASOS maternity | Uptown with Elly Brown

outfit details: dress / shoes / clutch / earrings

Thanks for stopping by today! Is there something you think every mama needs postpartum? If so, share your postpartum must haves below!


Postpartum Must Haves | maternity fashion | ASOS maternity | Uptown with Elly Brown
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These photos are so gorgeous of you! Almost makes me miss my bump, almost ? All such great advice!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

I love the dress! I have a similar one (non-maternity ones, haha), but with stripes. The collar is the cutest! 🙂

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog


Yep, I can imagine how postpartum looks like with three kiddos on hands! You’re such a strong and inspiring mama but like you wrote, even the strongest of us need help and it’s ok to ask for it. 🙂

Meghan Culpepper

Love the post mama! I’m almost a week away from my due date and have been contracting for a solid two days now. Looking forward to using some things on your postpartum list. All the help, for sure. Also love the idea of gift cards to places with takeout.

Uptown with Elly Brown


from Elly

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