Our Small Front Porch Decor

This post is sponsored by Specialty Retailers, INC. However, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

I am so excited to team up with Stage today to share our small front porch decor along with sharing how YOU can give back for the #BringHeartHome campaign. Throughout the month, Stage will be hosting activations and give back initiatives to raise money for the American Heart Association.

Stage has recently expanded their home category, and I was able to able to score great deals on our small front porch decor. When we originally built our home, we decided to not upgrade our front porch space, and well, needless to say, our front porch is SMALL. Side note; always upgrade your porch space.

Houston lifestyle blogger Uptown with Elly Brown reveals her Small Front Porch Decor and where she scored such great deals for the new space!


I have always had the hardest time finding the right decor, but I finally found it, and I LOVE how it looks. It’s simple and not over the top, but just enough to give it a little something.

My biggest fear was overloading the front porch with too much stuff. I love farmhouse decor, but I feel that the farmhouse decor can easily get cluttered. My motto- simple is always best.

Houston lifestyle blogger Uptown with Elly Brown reveals her Small Front Porch Decor and where she scored such great deals for the new space!

Houston lifestyle blogger Uptown with Elly Brown reveals her Small Front Porch Decor and where she scored such great deals for the new space!

Now back to the #BringHeartHomeCampaign, in honor of teaming up with Stage, I wanted to share 5 ways you can open your heart back to YOUR community, and give back by simple acts of kindness.

  • Pay for someone’s coffee. I love doing this in the drive-through line. I will never forget, a few years ago this happened at a Starbucks near me, and the barista mentioned that 10 cars had been paying for the person behind them. Just goes to prove, KINDNESS IS contagious.
  • Write a thank you note to someone who has helped you recently. There is NOTHING better than a handwritten note. I’m a bit old school in that way. But a Thank you note, never will go out of style.
  • Leave a positive sticky note in a public bathroom mirror. You never know when another mama or teenage girl needs to read the words “YOU are BEAUTIFUL.”
  • Leave a box of goodies in your mailbox for your mail carrier, and not just during the holidays!
  • Leave a gas gift card at a gas pump. Doesn’t have to be a large amount and fill up the next person gas tank, but every little helps!

Houston lifestyle blogger Uptown with Elly Brown reveals her Small Front Porch Decor and where she scored such great deals for the new space!
Have you ever tried any of these acts above? Do you have any other acts of kindness to share? Leave them below!

If you want to get involved and learn more about #BringHeartHome, here is how YOU can get involved;

  • Stage will be hosting IN-STORE events where you can help them give back to AHA.
  • During April for every #BringHeartHome photo shared as a post on either Facebook or Instagram using the #, Stage will donate $1.00 to support the American Heart Association (up to $25,000)
  • You can find out more information about the #BringHeartHome campaign here.

Houston lifestyle blogger Uptown with Elly Brown reveals her Small Front Porch Decor and where she scored such great deals for the new space!

**See more home products and selections here

Thank you so much for stopping by, have a great day!





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Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

I love how minimalist and rustic the wreath is! Beautiful decor! 🙂

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog


Great post. I really haven’t done anything to my front porch yet so this post was very inspiring!

Happy Hiller

Wow! Looks great! I love it!


Thanks for sharing! This is awesome 🙂

PFS Aggregates

Hey, thank you! What is the easiest way to decorate a house?

Uptown with Elly Brown


from Elly

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