Happy Wednesday! It just hit me a few days ago, that I am 6 months pregnant, and there are 3 (maybe even less) months left until little Liam comes out. Ahh. Where did the time go, and holy moly, I am going to have three boys! Someone tell me I will be okay because to say I’m scared is an understatement.
I’ve mentioned before how JB is behind on his push present giving. I vividly remember first telling him what a push present was, and all he did was laugh and say “you’re kids are your present.” Ha, ha. (notice this is my sarcastic laugh). I was quick to correct and let him know that no, the kids were HIS present.
Thankfully Jordan is also a very smart man, and also knows that a happy wife= happy life. Haha, totally kidding… kind of.
Jordan got my push present (the beautiful studs pictured below) from ALO Diamonds. I LOVE them. I love the quality, cut and color and how it’s always so sparkly! You may have noticed but I don’t ever take these off. I love wearing them.
With all of this being said, I want to now speak to the fellas. So mama (or mama to be) if you’re reading this, and you’re having a hard time telling that man of yours why a push present is beautiful and so appreciated, hand him over the phone and let him read now.
Now fellas, let me start off by saying that a push present doesn’t have to be a car, or something so extravagant that it leaves you broke. But by all means, if that’s what’s in your heart, then go for it.
The gift has to come from the heart, something that is genuine, and meaningful. After all, that’s the whole point in a push present. Something that will honor the new mama, and show her just how much you value her.
Do you HAVE to get her a push present? No. But again, the idea of a push present is not us women demanding something, but rather you showing just how much you are grateful for her and the nine months that she carried that sweet baby, and going through 12+ hours of labor and delivery.
So what in the world can we get for these awesome mamas? I would say jewelry or diamonds; those two will always be a good idea. You want to get something that mama can cherish and keep for years to come and one day pass that down to her kids. Making it even more unique and beautiful!
ALO diamonds is your place to get the perfect jewelry for any special occasion, especially push presents. Each piece is unique and beautifully made. You can rest assured that with each piece you are getting the best cut, quality, color, and clarity. ALO diamonds offer nothing but the highest quality in metals and diamonds too!
I hope I was able to shed a little bit of light and help you fellas see why a push present is very much appreciated; I am going to link a few ideas down below and share a few of my favorite picks.
Push Present ideas: Necklace / Ring / Earrings / Bracelet –Get 5% off with ALO Diamonds when you mention Uptown with Elly Brown in store.
Photos by Julia Gozman
Thank you so much for stopping by, have a great week!

I won’t be a momma for another 4+ years but I’ve brought up push presents to my boyfriend & he had the same exact response your hubby did ? Guys. Lol. I agree with you Elly!
haha! Men, can’t live with them, can’t live with out em!
Just read the post Elly, sooo beautiful! love love love it! I’m all about fine jewelry because it is meaningful and I can pass it on to my daughter!
Thank you Krishna! Love the idea of passing it on to your daughter! I’m sure she will treasure that forever!