Motherhood is hard y’all. SO hard… it stretches you thin and just when you think you couldn’t be stretched any more, you’re stretched again (elastigirl anyone?). I remember when I first had Jadyn and thought to myself, holy cow… now, what do I do?
The first week of having Jadyn home was hard, there was one night where all he did was cry. I tried feeding him, rocking him, I changed him, and nothing. Bless my 23-year-old heart (LOL!), I cried with him on the couch that night. I had no idea, and I still sometimes have no idea what I am doing.
The thing about motherhood is every child is so different, and unfortunately these tiny humans don’t come with some sort of manual (although that would have been nice). One thing I have learned a lot from is reading from people who have gone before me. I have learned so much from so many books on parenting, marriage, and even as a businesswoman.
I’ve shared books on both of those topics actually, and today I wanted to share faith based books for moms that some I have read myself, and that some are on my reading list.
I hope these books help encourage, uplift and maybe even give you a new perspective as they have for me.
Faith Based Books For Moms:
Shepherding a Child’s Heart / Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family
The 5 Love Languages of Children / Hands Free Mama / Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World
Present Over Perfect / Don’t Make Me Count to Three / Give Them Grace
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk / Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood
Power of a Praying Parent / The New Strong-Willed Child / Becoming Mom Strong
Have you read any of these? If so, comment below! Happy reading, thank you so much for stopping by and have a great day!

I’m not a mum, but thanks for the recommendations! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Ahh I’ve got to send this to my Mama! She would probably love these books…queen holy-rollar!