Faith Based Books for Moms

Motherhood is hard y’all. SO hard… it stretches you thin and just when you think you couldn’t be stretched any more, you’re stretched again (elastigirl anyone?). I remember when I first had Jadyn and thought to myself, holy cow… now, what do I do?

The first week of having Jadyn home was hard, there was one night where all he did was cry. I tried feeding him, rocking him, I changed him, and nothing. Bless my 23-year-old heart (LOL!), I cried with him on the couch that night. I had no idea, and I still sometimes have no idea what I am doing.

Looking for Faith Based books for Moms? Houston lifestyle blogger Uptown with Elly Brown rounds up 13 of the best faith based books for #momlife.

The thing about motherhood is every child is so different, and unfortunately these tiny humans don’t come with some sort of manual (although that would have been nice). One thing I have learned a lot from is reading from people who have gone before me. I have learned so much from so many books on parenting, marriage, and even as a businesswoman.

I’ve shared books on both of those topics actually, and today I wanted to share faith based books for moms that some I have read myself, and that some are on my reading list.

I hope these books help encourage, uplift and maybe even give you a new perspective as they have for me.


Faith Based Books For Moms:

Shepherding a Child’s Heart /  Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family 

The 5 Love Languages of Children / Hands Free MamaRaising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World

Present Over Perfect / Don’t Make Me Count to Three / Give Them Grace

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will TalkLove and Logic Magic for Early Childhood

Power of a Praying Parent /  The New Strong-Willed ChildBecoming Mom Strong



Have you read any of these? If so, comment below! Happy reading, thank you so much for stopping by and have a great day!


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Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

I’m not a mum, but thanks for the recommendations! ❤️✨

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog


Ahh I’ve got to send this to my Mama! She would probably love these books…queen holy-rollar!

Uptown with Elly Brown


from Elly

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